Generate leads on LinkedIn: 5 Helpful Marketing Tips


According to statistics, the LinkedIn platform is the largest international career network with 706 million users. LinkedIn has more than 15 million users in the DACH area. The company acquired by Microsoft is also one of the most important marketing instruments for many companies. To present your brand and service on LinkedIn, you need to be fully present on the platform. For instance, you can buy LinkedIn followers that can boost the visibility of your brand page organically from Subscriberz. Find out why it makes sense to use LinkedIn for lead generation and which tactics you can use for this in this post.

Generate leads on LinkedIn

Why it makes sense to generate leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is no longer just a network to make and maintain professional contacts. Rather, companies and employees can establish their own marketing platform here. Why should you also concern yourself with lead generation via LinkedIn? Here are three reasons to do it.How to Generate leads on LinkedIn?

1. Use the long-range of the network

With its high number of users, LinkedIn offers an enormous reach that otherwise only Google or other social media such as Facebook can reach. Since LinkedIn is a business platform, users are far more open to potential purchases and advertising, especially in the B2B area.

2. Increase your own brand awareness

LinkedIn offers your company a platform to present your own brand. Regardless of whether it is about employer branding because you want to find new employees via LinkedIn, or the entire company brand. Your profile gives you the opportunity to show potential interests what your company stands for and what it is all about.

3. Disseminate information to the target audience

You inform potential customers or applicants through regular contributions or the placing of relevant advertisements. In other words: LinkedIn offers you a platform to share your information. With a correspondingly large network, you can draw the attention of many people to whom you might never have reached through other advertising channels. Since the use of LinkedIn is free per se, nothing speaks against a test of the platform as a marketing channel.

Tips to generate leads on LinkedIn

For the successful generation of leads via LinkedIn, it is recommended to use a strategy and implement it in the form of a tactic. We would now like to introduce you to five tactics that have already been tested. You don’t even have to take money into your hands for this. In the following, we will introduce you to tactics for lead generation, both free and paid.

1. Your own company profile

The company profile is the flagship of your company. Regardless of whether it is about recruiting or marketing – users will look at your LinkedIn profile and form an opinion based on it.

Therefore, your profile should be geared towards the target group of your company. For example, you address a younger target group, perhaps mainly consisting of students, very different than a target group consisting of families with children. Create the company description, pictures, contact details, and the portfolio in the appropriate style.

Walt Disney is an example of a successful LinkedIn company page. The company mainly uses the site for recruiting. For example, the company’s career page is stored as the contact page and the design is clearly geared towards potential applicants – for example through the call to action “become part of the story”.

It is particularly important that your profile has been completed in full and that it is easy to find using previously researched keywords. You can use LinkedIn’s own keyword tool for this. Employees from certain departments such as marketing, sales or company spokespersons should align their profiles with the company. That means storing business contact data and linking to the company page on LinkedIn and the company website.

You can attract users to your website with an attractively designed profile that contains call-to-actions and links to the company website in the right places. Alternatively, you can create a landing page for the users who come to you via LinkedIn. So you can better pick up these users in terms of content by creating a page “just for them”.

2. Organic reach of posts

In order to generate leads through your LinkedIn profile and your posts, you first need a correspondingly large reach. Ideally, this can be achieved organically using several methods without payment.

First of all, the most important thing: content. The principles of content marketing naturally also apply to LinkedIn. This means that you should only publish content that is relevant to your target audience and offers added value. This can work in different formats such as e-books, white papers, webinars, or studies. Ideally, the content should be prepared in such a way that your target group is willing to leave their contact details for it.

This content can then be shared both via the company account and via the accounts of the employees in order to create the greatest possible reach. The more relevant contacts see these posts, the more leads you can generate. In addition, you can publish contributions in groups or have them shared over your network.


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